Hi! I am new to this support group & feel great comfort and
frustration in all the stories I've just read. I have suf-
fered from migraines since I was 14 yrs old. When I would
get a migraine, I would simply have my parents call me in as
sick. No one knew, me or my parents, that I was having migrain-
es. The stress of college really added to the number of
attacks. I was put on Demerol, Tylenol w/codine and others,
with no success. The only mild success I did experience was
with a suppository-I think Cafergot. I hated taking it due
to the route of administration. It made me nervous & jittery.
I married after college to a guy who had no idea what was
ahead for him. After 2 years of marriage, he drove me to
an urgent care and said not to come home until I got cured.
I actually know a person who divorced his spouse due to
migraine. Lucky for me Imitrex Injectable just hit the market.
They gave me a shot & I was out the door in 30min. After
that I saw a Neurologist. He did a few tests, but asked me
to keep a diary of foods, stress, triggers, etc. It was only
then I realized my migraines occurred every 21 days for 3 days
straight-now called Status Migrainouses. Due to the hormonal
changes during the menstral cycle. Knowing this, I knew when
to expect my migraines. Imitrex worked sometimes, but not
everytime. I was then put on Fiorinal type drug which made
me dizzy and tired. It also caused rebound headaches which
I was having daily. Thanks goodness there now is a drug that
is like Imitrex 50mg tablet, but much more reliable. 6months
I've been taking Zomig 2.5mg and have had 100% success!!!
Usually takes 30-45min for relief. It dosent matter if you
wake up with a migraine or if your migraine has already start-
ed, it works anytime-EVERYTIME!
Suzanne Gilmore
Cincinnati, OH USA - Wed Jun 17 1:28:51 1998
Hello fellow suffers,
I just had my whole text erased. I justed wanted to thank all of you for your e-mails and support. God only knows how helpful it is to know that your not alone!
I just wanted to share this. I went to my doctor (Neuro) today, he had given me dilaudid suppositories to keep me out of the ER. He was suppose to renew it today. Well, I'm due for my menstrual cycle, and we had a family tragedy that escaled everything and I did have more severe migraines then usual, which I kept him informed of over the phone. Instead of renewing it, he gave me a big speech about going into to be DETOXED! I was in shock! I couldn't believe that he was saying this to me, it's not like I was abusing the meds.
Anyway, I told him with my family situation I couln't even consider it. (like I needed it too!!) So, he writes me a script for a methodone taper and hands it to my husband and tells him he is in charge of distributing it to me. My husband said that I was quite capable of handling my own meds. His reply was anyone with severe migraines, is not capable of handling this taper. I WAS SHOCKED, ASHAMED AND SICK AND TIRED OF BEING TREATED LIKE THIS. We left I couldn't even speak the whole ride home. My husband doesn't know what to think. He is so confused with all this conflicting opinions, and now I'm supposed to wait to next month until I get the lupron shot to see if it helps with the menstrual migraines. Thanks for letting me vent! Sincerely, Maureen
Maureen Lyons Tashjian <MLTashjian@juno.com>
Langhorne, PA USA - Tue Jun 16 23:48:25 1998
Hello fellow suffers,
I just had my whole text erased. I justed wanted to thank all of you for your e-mails and support. God only knows how helpful it is to know that your not alone!
I just wanted to share this. I went to my doctor (Neuro) today, he had given me dilaudid suppositories to keep me out of the ER. Well, I'm due for my menstrual cycle, and we had a family tragedy that escaled everything. In steady of renewing it, he gave me a big speech about going into to be DETOXED! I was in shock! I couldn't believe that he was saying this to me, it's not like I was abusing the meds.
Anyway, I told him with my family situation I couln't even consider it. (like I needed it too!!) So, he writes me a script for a methodone taper and hands it to my husband and tells him he is in charge of distributing it to me. My husband said that I was quite capable of handling my own meds. His reply was anyone with severe migraines, is not capable of handling this taper. I WAS SHOCKED, ASHAMED AND SICK AND TIRED OF BEING TREATED LIKE THIS. We left I couldn't even speak the whole ride home. My husband doesn't know what to think. He is so confused with all this conflicting opinions, and now I'm supposed to wait to next month until I get the lupron shot to see if it helps with the menstrual migraines. Thanks for letting me vent! Sincerely, Maureen
Maureen Lyons Tashjian <MLTashjian@juno.com>
Langhorne, PA USA - Tue Jun 16 23:45:20 1998
I am 31 years old...married...two kids. I am most upset that when I go to the ER or the Urgent Care that I am not given what works for ME. That being, Demerol or Nubain. I have tried Midrin, Imitrex, Propranalol, Calan SR, and you name it. I have found great relief since stopping Propranolol(spelling). I do take Zoloft. I have tried various herbal supplements and such to no real avail. So, since I do not get the treatment that works at the ER I stay home and suffer. They give me Compazine and Benedryl....I get the worst case of the jitters and suffer with that for another 24 hrs. So, I take Tylenol PM or Nyquil and hope I wake up feeling more functional. I feel like this has allowed me to feel less alone...I wish the medical community could read this and relate.
Melodie <cmdeblieck@inxpress.net>
Madison, WI USA - Tue Jun 16 23:45:14 1998
Hello, What an idea . Here it goes. I am a 39 year old single mother of one. I've been suffering with what my MD says is cronic daily migraine headaches. I have been on so many different drug combinations I can no longer keep track of what I've had. I just got out of the hospital after an 8 day stay. DHE45 intravenously every 8 hours for a total of 15 doses. I had a spinal tap and an angeogram (spelling is most likely wrong). Results normal, which is a relief that its not a tumor or anything like that. I've also tried accupunture which at best was a temporary fix. You all are in my prayers. It helps just to be able to vent sometimes.
Kathy <GerlingK@aol.com>
Hazelwood, MO USA - Tue Jun 16 22:31:43 1998
Just wanted to update the results of my stay at Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut. I spent 7
days under the care of The New England Center for Headache. I had been experiencing
rebound headaches twice daily for about 5 months. While in the hospital, I was given
DHE-45 and Decatron, intravenously up to 3 times a day. There were 7 of us in the
"Headache Wing" of the hospital. In the seven days I was there, I only had one bad
headache. The entire time, I never took anything additional for pain. So far, everything is
working out well. The doctor said it may take a little time for the treatments to take full
effect. In the 4 weeks since I left the hospital, only one significant headache, a big
improvement over daily. Doctor Sheftell, from the Center, has me on Elivil (which helps
produce seratonin) at night and the preventative, Atenolol in the morning, plus Vitamins B2
& B6. I also have a plan of action if I get a headache, different medicine based on the
severity. For a moderate one...midrin, for a severe ...Migranal or Immitrex. But, I am only allowed
to use these a maximum of twice a week. At this point, I have only used them once. The
hospital stay seems to have worked, the number and severity of the headaches has gone
down 90%. Doctor Sheftell said the headaches will not completely disappear, but I should
have better control over them. I am very hopeful for the future. I would highly recommend
The New England Center for Headache in Connecticut for anyone located on the east
coast. Their website is www.headache.net. Good Luck to All.
Ray <ryeager@monmouth.com>
Manasquan, NJ USA - Tue Jun 16 21:25:48 1998
I started having migraine's when I was seven years old. I
have had every type of treatment you can think of. I am now
59 years old and still have migraine's. I was told when I
reached 50 they would go away. Guess what, they didn't
go away. The only relief I get is going to the ER and getting
a shot for pain relief. I have a mirgraine about every 21 to 28 days.
I hate it when I get a mirgraine as when I go to the ER they act like I'm a junkie. They are so wrong. Not only are you dealing with terrible pain and then have to put up with the doctor acting like you're faking.
Plus the shot cost me $253.00 each time I have to go to the ER.
ER. I can think of many other things I would like to purchase with that $253.00.
Instead I just get the $253.00 shot and feel awful for about the next three days.
Patricia S. Terry <psterry@earthlink.com>
Bellevue, Wa USA - Tue Jun 16 20:59:53 1998
Hi everyone!! If anyone knows of a good neurologist, or a primary physician, please email me. I am in desperate need of finding 2 new doctors since I moved to this area. I'm pretty close to King of Prussia, and I am willing to travel to Langhorne, Trevose, Neshaminy for the Neurologist. Thanks, Darleen
Darleen <jsahba@sprynet.com>
Phoenixville, Pa USA - Tue Jun 16 17:00:25 1998