This is to Kathleen in NY. I hate to burst your bubble and they do
say that Tylenol, (acetomeniphen) and asprin combined works better but if
you read an Excedrin Migraine package it's ingredients and a plain old Excedrin
package, you'll notice the only difference is the package. At least that
is what I have been told and if I remember correctly I did check. It doesn't
help me but maybe it will for you. I hope it does.
Berta <B1Wall1000@aol.com>
USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 11:46:51 PM
I had my
first migraine at 11 years old the older I get the worse the headaches get.
I am now 34 years old and I don't know how much more I can stand! I have
been to a neurologist who put me on Nortriptyline and although I have not
had as many (I usually have 2 or three every two weeks) I can't say that
I feel any better. I think the drugs only help with the migraine induced
depression and not the headache. For apin relief I usually have to take
2 Fioricet and one Anaprox with a Phenergan 50mg tablet and I hate the effects
fo that. Can anyone point me to a solution? Maybe you know a clinic or Doctor
in KY. that could help. Please E-mail me and let know if there is hope.
Thanks, Marianne
Marianne Campbell <campbellmarianne@hotmail.com>
Lexington, Ky USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 11:22:36 PM
message is for Karin from Ann Arbor, MI. I would like to hear from you.
My daughter goes to MHNI in Ann Arbor and they have helped her so much.
She is a student at the University. Thank you. This migrane journal is wonderfull,
thank you ronda.
Karen <Kbout78971@aol.com>
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 10:50:27 PM
any one know if Asprin and Tylenol together are more affective than either
one alone? I think that I read that once but I'm not sure. That must be
why they made the Excederine Migraine that way.
NY USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 10:10:32 PM
Savage in Calgary, AB, Canada: Excederine Migraine has Tylenol 250 mg, Aspirin
250 mg, and Caffeine 65 mg per tablet. The recomended dosage is two tablets.
It seems to me that you don't need to buy it in one tablet. Why not buy
some of each, Tylenol, aspirin, and drink some strong coffee? It would be
less expensive any way. It works pretty well if the headache isn't too bad,
especially if you catch it very early. Good luck. Take care
NY USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 09:51:27 PM
Dear Barbra,
I read back thru todays entry's and I don't know what going on but I think
that you have done nothing wrong. You have shared some of the most hard
times anyone could go through. I know myself it have been hard to deal with
the stress that migraines can cause. I have been having these migraines
since I was 12yo I'm now 39yo female. I have tried everything that on the
market for migraines. I have not found anything that really works I have
been going to the pain clinic and getting nerve blocks that helps for as
long as the injections wear off. I went six years migraine free, up until
Dec.98 and I have not been able to get rid of it. I also am desperate to
find a solution. My husband and I have made are minds up that it has to
be some in the house like rayon or some other kinda chemical. We are going
to call some out to the house tommorrow. I mean Monday! Well I hope everyone
well and pain free. ( Barbra hang in there and don't stop writing in the
journal, I look forward to hearing from you) Sue
Sue <rnickols@bellsouth.net>
Louisville, KY USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 09:47:44 PM
am a 39 year old mother of one, 14 yr old. I became a migriane/headache
sufferer in May of 1998 when i was hospitalized for 4 days. After leaving
the hospital, D.H.E.45 became my close friend with self-injections 3 times
a day for a good 2 1/2 weeks. I then was able to go on oral methergine.
I also had an IUD removed that had progestrone in it. It was theorized that
the build up of progestrone (synthetic) was the culprit. A neurologist at
Brigham & Womens Hospital in Boston said he saw no reason why I shouldn't
return to my normal self. That was in June. I haven't returned to my normal
self. I have daily headaches, the pain level goes up and down. I take imitrex
and/or fiornal for breakthru headaches when they get "bad", I
take neurontin daily for maintance. I find the depression during pain hard
to deal with. I take antidepressants anyway; I've suffered from depression
allmy life. This I can deal with. This I know what to do with. Migrianes
I don't know what to do with. I'm having trouble accepting it. I'm currently
seeing a naturalpathic doctor - trying an elimination diet. I will try anything
I have the money for. I want to be able to learn from other's experiences.
I resent how much the pain takes from my life, from my relationship with
my son, from my job. I have no family history of migrianes, I've been in
no accidents,etc... I've been through 3 neurologist. I don't want to just
be shoved medication across the desk. I don't want to just treat the symptoms.
I want to find the cause. I'm not comfortable with the side effects of the
medications. I'm open to other's experiences - and grateful.
Sally <FREDCHED@aol.com>
Lee, NH USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 09:11:04 PM
of all I want to say thanks that we migraine sufferers have this journal
to read and talk about our migraines. This site has been a big help to me....Reading
of others suffering with the same disablitliy as I have has helped me tremendously.
We are here to help one another not judge someone...No one knows how one
person experiences his or her pain...each of us are individuals, and each
has his or her on pain level. Let us always be of help to each other here.
And if one does not agree with what someone else may say or feel, then keep
it to yourself. That would be much better than hurting someone who already
is living with pain. This site may be the only place that one can speak
freely of their pain and not worry of being judged. Who else to better understand
the pain than us migraine sufferers. I truly wish the best to each one of
us here......Sherry
Sherry <Maiinga9@aol.com>
TN USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 08:14:03 PM
Lynda: Yeah, I got to CT OK. But it was hell. First when I got to
the counter at the airport (the line was over an hour long) the Snotty rep
asked me "What happened to you?" I explained that I had been in
line just like everyone else. She was very abrupt & said that I should have
listnened better, because they had pulled people out of line for my flight.
I looked at her a little closer & explained that the next 4 people in line
were on the same flight & NONE of us had heard anything. So my flight was
rescheduled. There was no way for me to make my connection. Luckily I spoke
to a supervisor & explained my situation, she upgraded the 1st leg of my
flight to FIRST CLASS, and offered me Priority standby for a later connection.
Unfortunately that leg was over booked & I didn;t arrive in Ct till 11PM
last night. I sat in the terminal in Philly for 9 hours. By the time I got
here I was SO tired. So I guess your SUN DANCE went well enough... I got
in without any major troubles & today was very nice, if not warm.
Barb B. I understand & sympathise with your situation. I wish I could
help you out. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Those of you who asked about weight gain with medications: Yes, some
of the meds we take can cause weight gain, like any of the Triptans, furinol,
and other codine type meds. I went on Paxil & lost the 7 lbs I had gained
because it is a SRI. It makes me non-ravenous & less likely to Kill someone
Sorry for the lenght of this entry. I hope you all have a pain free
day. LYNDA, can you do that snow dance for me without making your head hurt?
(GRIN. I wanna play in the snow and its ALL GONE!) Love & Light to you all!
Dianna <ghost@gte.net>
Norwich, For NOW, CT USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 08:12:25 PM
to my entry of late last night, I've found that my e-mail isn't working.
Yahoo! is working on it, so if someone does have an answer for me, please
just post it here. I finally got relief from the migraine I've had for nearly
2 weeks, but unfortunately it was just the end of the warm weather we've
been having. We have 4 inches of snow, but my headache's gone:-} Pressure
changes are one of my worst triggers, and I live in an area that's been
known to go from -10 to around +60 or higher in a matter of hours. (Yes,
I know moving would likely make a huge difference, but it's not an option
at this point...) I had one other question, mostly curiousity since it's
not available in Canada, but what's this new Excedrin Migraine I've heard
about, and does it actually work?
JT Savage <jtsav@yahoo.com>
Calgary, AB Canada - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 07:43:49 PM
who try to say that the pain is exaggerated really need to mind their own
business. If you think that people are not in pain, then stay off of this
website. I am a new migrain sufferer. I used to look at my mom and thought
that the pain was exaggerated but now that I am in her shoes. I feel horrible
because the pain is so severe that you can barely function at all. I have
a floaty feeling, flashes of lights, photosensitivity, slurred speach, and
severe nausea. It's horrible when you can't even enjoy a normal day of life.
I get these migranes everyday without failure. I wan't to just cry because
I feel like a horrible mother and feel like everyone thinks that you are
just blowing things out of proportion. Nortryptiline is the medication that
I am on, and it has kept me free of migranes. You don't know how much I
appreciate the little things in life.
Malisa Michna <ljam98@aol.com>
fort hood, tx USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 07:32:07 PM
DESI: It is not uncomman for people on medication to gain weight. In fact
antidepressants usually give about a 5 to 8lb weight gain. Drugs that are
in the opioid family, like morphine and diluadid send out an ADH (anti-duritec
hormone) to the pituitary gland. This can cause a tremdous amount of weight
gain and it doesn't matter if the person eats nothing, it will not help.
These drugs are just known for their weight gaining properties. 30 to 80lbs.
is not uncomman and it can go higher. Also these drugs slow down your metabolism
to almost a grinding halt. They depress your respiration also. So, I hope
that you can see that some of us have had to sacfice weight gain for feeling
better. And then there are those that never gain a pound but actually lose
weight but of course, this is not the norm. It is a struggle. With what
I eat, I should be down to my prenatal weight but that is not the case.
I do hope you will not use a drug that might help your pain for fear of
gaining weight. Life is more than that. Feeling better is the best thing
that any of us could possibly achive! Best of Luck! Denise
Denise <djolly8314@aol.com>
Midland, Tx USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 06:27:32 PM
veronica, i have had terrible rebound reactions to zomig which is also in
the triptan family. these drugs are miracles for some migraine sufferers,but
for me , they work for one day, and the next day i'll get a migraine that
is so painful i'll never try it again. my neurologist tells me that this
is a common side effect for many people. i've had very good results lately
after taking feverfew and vitamin b2 for about 5 months. the frequency and
intensity of my migraines is down about 60% which is more than i had ever
thought possible. it might be worth a try. wendy
wendy <bluetulip9@aol.com>
stratford, ct USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 05:57:29 PM
e-mail any suggestions or information to me at: Lynn@codetel.net.do OR MtnCtrLynn@aol.com
Thank you so much!
Lynn <lynn@codetel.net.do>
La Romana, Dominican Republic - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 03:09:05 PM
I'm looking for information on the association of Migraines with Red Meat
more importantly steaks. I have been able to narrow my migraine suffering
definately to steaks until recently I ate a hamburger in a restaurant that
I believe was ground up steak. As compared to a "burger King"
burger (never have problems with that meat). It happens within 2 hours after
I eat it, so I stopped eating steaks, then I had this burger in a restaurant
and it was the worst one yet. Severe total head throbing from behind the
eyes all the way through the cranium to my neck as well as vomiting. I have
tried every search engine on the net and to no avail. I had thought that
"tannin" might be a connection but can't find much on that either.
I thought it had to be what ever they cure the meat with here, until some
steaks were brought in from the states during the holidays. IF anyone has
any ideas where to search or info to pass on, I'd certainly appreciate it.
Thanks Much! From an American living in a foreign country!
Lynn <lynn@codetel.net.do>
La Romana, Dominican Rep. - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 03:05:53 PM
do not suffer from migraines but my mother does. Almost 6 years ago in January
of 1994 my mother was in a car accident. She received a horrible brain injury
and now from that injury gets migraines. Right after the accident she had
to relearn simple things like talking and some motor-skills but outwardly
she recovered quickly. Since the accident and for about three years it seemed
that she was improving. After being taken to the Diamond Headache Clinic
in Chicago they found some medicine that controlled the migraines for a
while. Unfortunatly the past few years nothing has worked for her. The Diamond
Headache Clinic used her for a guine-pig after the medicine that they had
given her failed to work. I honestly felt like the doctors were killing
her. Since then she has been to the Indiana University Neurology Outpatient
Center, and there isn't much I can say about them either. She is taking
a "patch" which is like morphin gel that is absorbed through the
skin. The doctor's failed to tell her that she could become addicted to
that drug which she did. My mother has had a hard road to walk. If any of
you would like to e-mail her or me the address is _Shanya@excite.com
Kristen <_Shanya@excite.com>
Danville, IL USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 12:37:34 PM
well i have a question regarding imitrex. has anyone felt that it makes
the migraine worse before it is made better? that was the way it worked
with me, but my stupid neuro said it was all in my head and made me keep
with it. i was just wondering if anyone else had that side affect. thanx.
veronica <atthelight4615@yahoo.com>
west covina, ca USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 11:56:12 AM
I'd also like to know if medication causes weight gain. I have recently
beed diagnosed with migrain equivalent. Auras, etc.. I know the Phila. Eagles
stink, but I am an Eagles cheerleader. I am average size now, exercise everyday,
eat sensibly, BUT, I cannot afford, to gain 10lbs, etc.. I would not be
able to put on my uniforms and feel comfortable. I do not get the pain,
monmouth, nj USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 07:50:55 AM
I listed my e-mail address incorrectly. I definitely don't want to be anonymous!
Everyone have a stress free, and pain free day!
Brenda Martin <petsgalore@Webtv.net>
Dallas, Tx USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 05:32:08 AM
B.- I know that you also have TMJ along with migraines and I personally
know how painful and frustrating that can be...along with the stress at
work. Your postings have and continue to be helpful to me. I guess some
people don't understand that your father's computer doesn't have the capabilities
to handle all the forwarding data at once. We know, we have an older system
that can be overwhelmed easily. If we can't vent to each other, who will
understand? A sincere apology was made which is always hard to do. I think
I would like to ask Barbara B. and anyone else who is having a difficult
week, how can I help? Asking someone if they need Prozac or a vacation reminds
me of the insensitive, idiotic doctors that haven't understood our pain!
Thank you everyone who has e-mailed me in support, it means alot. Barbara
B., I sincerely hope things start going better for you. And should we take
anonymous postings seriously?
Brenda Martin <petsgalore@WebTv.com>
Dallas, Tx USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 02:02:47 AM
and anyone else that would like answers to their questions. Please leave
us your e-mail address so we can get a hold of you. It is so frustrating
to read and entire entry and want to help only to find that thier is no
e-mail address! I would love to answer you Desi!
Denise <djolly8314@aol.com>
Midland, Tx USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 01:18:33 AM
people on this website. Weightgain? Elavil, a pound a week for nine months.
Up the exercise--it's worth it if the drug works even a little. Smells and
auras? It took me about 40 years to learn that I had auras--predictors of
an impending migraine. I wish I had noticed them earlier, as it's a big
advantage and can help you prevent them by giving you time to take preventative
meds--and take for yourself whatever else you need. Of course I never used
to take what I needed--girls are raised to be selfless and giving. I have
not learned that smells CAUSE my migraines, but there is a heightening of
smells that is part of the aura.(Subtle, huh?) Yuck, everything smells like
ammonia. I smell like ammonia in the shower. Outside it smells like I'm
very near a garbage dumpster, or the whole world smells like dog pee, etc.
Zigzag spectral lights, nausea a few times. My aura---and this is ironic---is
extreme irritation. I run and take meds right away. Has anyone else noticed
this? No, it doesn't count if you're irritated AFTER the headache starts.)
If you have this aura, it takes forever to notice that the irritation is
really severe and for no---that's no---reason. Regarding how to rate pain:
I had the good fortune to go to a top headache and pain clinic and they
have you rate the pain from 1-10 every time. My husband asked me to write
down my own scale, because you know when someone asks how you're doing,
they end up not knowing what you mean by Okay or Fine--it's similar to Yiddish,
in that it depends on just HOW you say it. I found that "Scared"
showed up at several levels--from I'm afraid a headache is coming on to
I'm thinking of going to the emergency room or "fleeing", which
is my primal response. This 1-10 type list of "resonses" to "How
are you doing?" was actually a great exercise and I hung it up permanently
because it was so ironic and funny. Let's hear your list? Seriously, tho,
don't quit stressing how much it hurts to health care providers. Let's help
each other learn the medical ropes, like if you switch doctors too often,
they're trained to think you're a hypo, and don't complain of more than
three things per visit (unless they ask about something specifically). Our
migrainous health care professionals can help us with this. Thanks, everybody.
Down to one TyIII. Be well. Karin
Ann Arbor, MI USA - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 12:59:12 AM
Nice (in an odd sort of way) to know I'm not alone in this. I've been suffering
from migraines since being involved in a car accident in '88 (although they
tell me it would have happened eventually anyway - I'm the 4th generation
in my family to be cursed with migraines). Tried everything from Tylenol
& Cafergot (minimal success, since I don't get the 'aura' os 'precursor',
whatever you want to call them) to Inderal (helpful for about six months)
and Imitrex (rebound headaches). Mostly it's a hit and miss kind of thing
with me and meds. Anyway, basically I live with a headache all the time,
it just varies in the degree of severity. Anyone out there had any luck
with meditation, imagery & crystals? I know, it's a little off the wall,
but as you all know, there comes a time when you'll try just about anything.
Let me know, I'm at jtsav@yahoo,com, but I can't guarantee it's actually
recieving mail or not yet.
JT <jtsav@yahoo.com>
Calgary, AB Canada - Date: 01/16/99 (Sat) Time: 12:53:49 AM