Dear friends in pain, I know of the pain you feel.I have had migranes
so long I can't remember exactly when they started.Atleast 20 years.Have
seen all Dr's,ran all test and tried all medications . I was having them
atleast 3 times a week and would last sometimes 2 days.I found some relief
after depakote,Inderal,& an anti-depressant.I Was on that combination every
day for years.Four months ago I totally committed myself to God and have
found GREAT RELIEF.If you have gotten to the point where your options are
limited , I challenge you to turn your life over and to trust in Him.In
my particular case I was able to get off all medication and am living a
life not being controlled by migranes.I hope that you are able to find relief
from that miserable life. There is hope---------Bonnie
USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 11:04:46 PM
Hello all!!
Today was tough. I feel it coming-moving up the base of neck, crawling up
one side and planting itself just above my right eye. I feel like clawing
my eye out to relieve the pressure. It is times like this that make me wonder
if the doc's missed something--anything--when they ran all those MRI's,
CAT scans, EKG's, etc...maybe I do have a tumor--what else could cause this
excruciating pain? All I know anymore is that I have NO time for this pain.
I work full-time, am in my last year of college and dealing with a lot of
family/friend crisises. If any of you pray please keep me in them. Thanks
for letting me vent. Peace & love!
Emily <ekm310@aol.com>
Lawton, OK USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 10:11:03 PM
awful day at work. Another headache that won't go away. Sometimes, I think
that I could go on the highest dosage of whatever is available, and still
have these headaches. I know that I have probably been clenching my teeth
a lot, because I can feel it in my jaw, but there is also light sensitivity,
nausea, lightheadedness, the usual migraine symptoms save an aura at the
beginning. It started last night, and continued today. I thought that it
would go away, but it has'nt. Work stress, and home stress, and stress stress.
All contributing. And, a cantankerous computer, having crashed on me last
weekend. It seems as if things have been crashing around me ever since,
and produced this big headache. To all who see flashes of light, or even
more, and no headaches, you are'nt alone. I have that, and it is annoying.
Today at one point, there was a flashing blind spot, not zigzag lights like
in a major migraine attack, but a blind spot nonetheless. The pain really
came on after that. Other times, blind spot, flashbulb spots, all kinds
of lights, but no headache pain. I also felt disconnected today, and like
I was hearing people from down in a hole or something. A weird day, definately.
But there are times that I think one is coming, and it is just flashes of
light. What an aggrevation migraines are for us all.
Barbara B
USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 07:45:13 PM
I need some
help with my mother who has and continues to suffer with migraines her entire
life. Several of her doctors have recently contacted me and stated that
they think she is addicted to fioricet( I think I have the correct spelling)
My mother has been taking this drug for many years and they are now telling
me that she is going to have to stop taking it. They have decided collectively
to put her through a detoxification where they will prescribe a certain
no. of pills and continue to lower the the prescription over the next 2
months. I am looking for someone familiar with this drug and some advice
on dealing with my mother as I am sure her migraines will continue. One
doctor suggested that she may be suffering from rebound migraines as a result
of taking the fioricet frequently. Does anyone know if it is possible to
be addicted to this medicine and if so what is in the drug that is causing
this. I am desperate for help. desperate daughter
Rachel <Rrk13097@aol.com>
USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 07:40:41 PM
Hello everyone!
It is relieving to know that I am not alone in this painful struggle. I
have been getting migraines since age 10, but the doctors just told me it
was my imagination (because I had them all the time). Well that was several
years ago....and if anything they have only gotten worse. I have gone to
SEVERAL neuros and doctors and chiropractors, heahache specialists and even
an iridologist. I usually get told to see a psychatrist (it is all in my
head), or you don't fit the "classic" migraine so you don't have
migraines. But I have found a few that believe me and I've tried everything
it seems from paxil to imitrex (which i was the 1% that had the bad reaction).
Most medications either did nothing or made the migraines worse (if possible)
and I also had the weight gaining problem. In a month I gained 50 pounds.
Now I take a few hydrocodones, which I have been on for 4 yrs) a couple
times a day when they are bad and go in my dark room with the green light
bulb (which is a couple of times a week). I try not to take too many though,
because I was finally diagnosed with migraines, which casued daily chronic
headaches, which due to the medications caused rebound headaches. I can
not remember a day when I did not have some type of pain in my head. The
severity of the migraines forced me to drop out of college. I missed to
much class and was too drugged to learn anything. Don't you all just love
it when someone says, take a couple of aspirin or it really can't bother
you that much or often! I have had the food diary, MRI, MRA, Cat Scan, EEG,
Blood work ups, you name it..... I will try anything.....if you have any
suggestions tell me PLEASE A Fellow Sufferer Sabrina
Sabrina <Sabrina.Ripp@USA.Net>
Inola, OK USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 06:47:21 PM
am an eighteen year old migraine sufferer who has headaches more often than
not. I am from AL but attend school in Maryland. During the past year and
a half I have had headaches continually, I have seen six neurologists and
have been on all sorts of drugs. The only things that help during the attack
are Tylenol with Codeine and a shot of DHE at the emergency room. I hate
just waiting them out, because I can't fuction in class. Does anyone know
anything about biofeedback? If so please e-mail me at Amazyck@smtp.sttimothysschool.com.
I wish all some pain free days.
Anne <Amazyck@smtp.sttimothysschool.com>
Baltimore, md USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 05:05:53 PM
Does anyone use Imitrex?? I have found that to be a lifesaver. Fiorinal,
percocet, etc etc never worked for me however Imitrex works every time.
I think the worst part is people being uneducated about this. I have been
told to take two aspirin, that I am a drug addict,a hypochondriac, etc.
Besides being incapacitated and worrying about losing my job, this is the
worst part. Some of these historys are awful. I am not that bad - twice
a month for about 2 days if I do nothing about it. Oh, prior to imitrex
I vomited so much with them at 5'4'' I was under 100 lbs so I was also labeled
an anorexic as well as bulemic. One physician I worked for did not believe
I was not anorexic - he thought I purposely threw up continuously thru the
day. I have two children and pray that they are not afflicted. It almost
makes you want to not have children because I would not wish this on anyone.
Thanks all. Anyone want to talk I'm at hollette@aol.com.
Holly Vogt <hollette@aol.com>
Largo, FL USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 02:39:19 PM
suffered with migraine's going on 20yrs now I have taken every new drug
on the market but nothing has really helped. I took depakote for about 6mths
and that didn't help all it did was make lose may hair and gain weight.
The lavil also made me gain weight even though I am a light eater I still
gain weight I have gain a total of 30lbs. and that is very depressing on
top of my migraine's. I am really glad that i found this site i have read
many of the journal and I am glad that I am not alone. I was taking Imitrex
that did not work for me so I also tried amerch and the same for that too.
Does any boby out there another solution on the antidepressants that won't
make you gain weight please e-mail me at perezoe@texaco.com or lajackets@worldnet.att.net
thanks an i hope that you have a good day.
lali perez <perezoe@texaco.com>
edinburg, tx USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 02:27:59 PM
Kris, Yes, I get flashes and little "jolts" without a headache,
although I am sensitive to light. I saw the neuro last week and he said
I have "migraine phenomina (sic). We'll see.
Mark Christiansen <MCfris000@aol.com>
USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 12:23:43 PM
I know that
tests have shown that females usually have migraines more than males do.
I have also heard that quite a number of women become migraine free after
receiving a hysterectomy. This makes me wonder if migraines are somehow
related to the different hormones in men and women. I wonder if men that
get migraines, could possibly have higher levels of estrogen. Has anyone
ever heard of any studies performed on this? It would be interesting to
know of the results if there have been studies run. Keep Fightin'
Greg <reby1@fuse.net>
Cincinnati, OH USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 11:57:38 AM
IS FOR LINDA. Hi my name is Kris. I sent you an e-mail, but just to be safe,
I'll add my entry on this page. For eight years, I've had "flashes"
of light. THAT'S IT. No pain, etc.. Last year after the flashes , I had
stroke like symptoms, weakness, numbness, dizzy. Went to Dr. neuro, they
said migraines were what I had. Eight months l;ater, same thing BUT WITHOUT
FLASHES. That scared me. At least when I had flashes , I knew they were
migraines. After tests, I was confirmed, everything was fine, and what I
had were still migraines. Last week for no reason I started to feek dizzy,
lasted two hours, felt weak, anxious, tingly, etc.. DO YOU EVER GET DIZZY
WITHOUT THE PAIN, for no apparent reason. DO YOU TAKE MED? PLEASE write
it is great to know other people experience these horrible episodes. I mean
not great, but it helps to know other people exist like me. THANKS KRIS,
Medford, NJ USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 10:30:07 AM
have a 6 yo daughter with extreme migraines. She developed them them I year
ago. We have been every test. The migraines have never left in that year
period. She is now on Prozac and the doctors are running out of meds to
use.She needs HELP.We are constantly at the ER, childrens hosp or pediatrician.
She has lost weight in is now 42 pounds. The pediatrican recommended we
remove her toncils and adnoids, which we did. NO help and Ido not recommend
others do that. She gets demeral shots to help at the ER. She is sick in
th am and late afternoon and evenings. She usually feels great only 10-4.
She vomits alot with the most 14 hours straight. The stomach is always in
pain. Can anyone help us! Please contact 9999@atel.net Thank you Vicki
Vicki <9999@atel.net>
Wmbg, Va USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 10:08:55 AM
haven't written for quite a while as something out of the ordinary happened
last October. I normally suffer pain of varying degrees daily, but one day
I woke up pain free, during the course of the day I started to experience
numbness in my right leg , by late that night my right arm, right side of
my face and my lips were also numb. I have had these symptoms before but
always with a migraine, which is always on the right side temporal area.
The next morning I went to my doctor and by then I felt as though I had
been given some sort of drug that made me feel very light headed and my
speech was somewhat affected. My doctor rang my Neurologist straight away
and then came all the tests; CAT scan, echo cardiograph, blood tests more
heart tests (camera down the throat),MRI plus a few more. They suspected
anything from Stroke, M.S. to Lupus. The numbness and lightheadedness lasted
for 6 weeks. As it turned out (after a lot of worry for everyone) it was
a Migraine aura without the pain. I am now back to normal (pain most of
the time) but I think that after all the anxiety this incident caused I'm
happy that it was only Migraine and not something more sinister. If anyone
ever goes through this try not to focus on the negative, have all the tests,but
remember my experience and the positive outcome. Wishing you all some pain
free time. Linda.
Linda <PFBLHB@msn.com.au>
Australia - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 07:23:55 AM
Overwhelmed: I would be glad to e-mail you if you had left an e-mail address.
If you would like for me to contact you please provide you e-mail address.
Denise <djolly8314@aol.com>
Midland, TX USA - Date: 01/14/99 (Thu) Time: 03:19:15 AM