I have same question as Wendy about pregnancy and migraines...anyone have experience with this..and what do we do if we're planning to become pregnant? I'm going to be 31 soon and have had migraines since I was 15. I get 2-4 a month, with many tension headaches in between. I usually wake up with migraine, around 3 am and keep it until about 5-7 pm. i always get one on first day of period. it's the most severe. i use extra strenth excedrin on my headaches. it doesn't take the migraine away, but sometimes it takes a little of the edge off. i'm still too bad off to function however and am in bed on those days. i take 3 feverfew capsules every day (380 mg each) which helps prevent tension headaches, but does nothing for migraines. i went to neurologist for first time the other day and was prescribed fioricet for tension headaches and imitrex pills for migraines. this morning i started my period and had severe migraine. i took 25 mg imitrex...nothing happened. two hours later i took 50 mg imitrex...nothing happened. a couple hours after that i took excedrin and it helped a little. but the migraine basically ran its course and tapered off at dinnertime. i'll ask about zomig. it's hard having this disability and not missing a lot of work. once again...i'd love any info on pregnancy and treatment of migraines ....and history of how many people's migraines stop once they become pregnant, ...how many people's migraines get worse, etc....thanks for listening.
Jennifer <junebug@coastalnet.com>
NC USA - Sun Jun 28 21:46:42 1998
Me again, I forgot, I've been having these weird "sights" around me, sounds too. It's like a house haunting, but I believe it comes from my migraines. I've been alone every time I think I see someone standing next to me, or I'll see their shadow go by the comp, screen. and i hear sounds, like the keys in the door, t.v. on stuff like that. Does anyone else have anything similar to this? Please let me know. I know a ghost when I see one, they don't scare me. This does, I can't figure out what it is.
thanks a lot, take care of yourselves
Cindy Lincoln <clincoln@richmond.infi.net>
Richmond, Va USA - Sun Jun 28 21:28:44 1998
Hi there! It's me, Cindy, again with a generic "what's up." I was in and out of the E.R. several times in two weeks. Finally, when I explained I had atypical symptoms, such as problem w/vision and pain of right eye, the attending e.r. doc and on call neuro at MCV said they saw what appeared to be swelling in it. I (according to them) need a spinal tap SOON and an MRI. I explained knowing my doc as I do he won't order it. I went to the er by ambulaance sun.(sorry bout grammar, I'm very tired) On tue. I saw my doc. He still refused to order any tests. he also won't allow any stronger meds on an acute basis. Any doctor who won't treat acute pain is nuts. I even told my doctor I was so distraught, upset, in pain, couldn't concentrate, that I though a stay a few days inpatient would help, hopefully 24hr. meds breaking the cycle. I've had it done before. He refused "I didn't need it" I told him I have an appt. w/a therapist who I think can help not only with stress management(my life,plus two teenagers), but also the anxiety i feel each time i need help from the professionals. He proceeded to tell me he had run out of time talking to me and had to get to his other patients. Get this: w/o asking, he wrote scrips for: enough valium(if I take them) for months, stadol ns- 6 i repeat 6 purchased at one time for two weeks (3 bott;les per week he,s prescribed , plus 3 refills (6bottles each ), then 75, 50mg, demerol. When i'm awake i'm a zombie and probably a bitch to my family. sorry, my tiny (2lb) chihuahua insists she lay across my shoulder, oh, no he's currled in his tiny ball in my arms.
Anyway, he said the only way was to go back to th er, so the next day we did and i got the spinal tap done right away(all o.k.)
then i had one peaceful night in a private room. when you have migraines so often it's like a holiday. i'm home now. feeling a bit better. i see my neuro again tue. we'll see. thanx for being here for me cindy
Cindy Lincoln <clincoln@richmond.infi.net>
Richmond, Va USA - Sun Jun 28 21:00:31 1998
hi, I think this journal is ver helpful. I read for the first time about three weeks ago. I cant read enough, people without migraines wouldnt understand how reading about others suffering could actually be helpful. I am 31 years old and have suffered with migraines since I was 16. I will get anywhere from 3-8/month. I have found imitrex to be helpful the majority of the time, but here comes my dillema. I would like to become pregnant and you can not take imitrex when you are expecting. I am terrified of experiencing full blown migraines for nine+ months. One of my migraines treated with anything but imitrex is 24-48hrs of extreme pain which leaves me hugging the toilet and\or lying in bed wondering why someone doesnt just put me out of my misery. I get very angry with how migraines interfere in my life. I do have a family history, with both my mother and sister suffering. I am able to identify triggers and warning signs. I have found keeping a normal predictable daily routine helpful(fun!!) and food in moderation- if i am really craving, it or if I want to eat alot of it, I am probably going to get a migraine triggered from it. I have a definate correlation with my cycle although knowing this has not helped in figuring out any treatment. so anyways back to my question does anyone have any suggestions for an upcoming pregnancy? The Dr. said that he will be keeping some extra demoral ect. on hand -great- and that he would rather have my baby addicted form the demoral than the unknown results of imitrex on a baby- please write .thanks
Wendy <yeller@mindspring.com>
Stone Mountian, GA USA - Sun Jun 28 18:57:21 1998
hi, I think this journal is ver helpful. I read for the first time about three weeks ago. I cant read enough, people without migraines wouldnt understand how reading about others suffering could actually be helpful. I am 31 years old and have suffered with migraines since I was 16. I will get anywhere from 3-8/month. I have found imitrex to be helpful the majority of the time, but here comes my dillema. I would like to become pregnant and you can not take imitrex when you are expecting. I am terrified of experiencing full blown migraines for nine+ months. One of my migraines treated with anything but imitrex is 24-48hrs of extreme pain which leaves me hugging the toilet and\or lying in bed wondering why someone doesnt just put me out of my misery. I get very angry with how migraines interfere in my life. I do have a family history, with both my mother and sister suffering. I am able to identify triggers and warning signs. I have found keeping a normal predictable daily routine helpful(fun!!) and food in moderation- if i am really craving, it or if I want to eat alot of it, I am probably going to get a migraine triggered from it. I have a definate correlation with my cycle although knowing this has not helped in figuring out any treatment. so anyways back to my question does anyone have any suggestions for an upcoming pregnancy? The Dr. said that he will be keeping some extra demoral ect. on hand -great- and that he would rather have my baby addicted form the demoral than the unknown results of imitrex on a baby- please write .thanks
Wendy <yeller@mindspring.com>
Stone Mountian, GA USA - Sun Jun 28 18:57:19 1998
Hello fellow pain sufferers. I do feel everyones' pain and wanted you to know that I have been feeling a little better since I've been taking Midrin. I was suffering from nausea and vomited blood often. At least twice a wk. I went to see a neurologist and of course I just received a new RX and a condecending attitude. I may possibly lose my job because they don't understand my illness, nor perceive it as one. I am seriously debating on going on disability SSI and trying to relax with all this medication I've been given. I sometimes feel suicidal and I did call suicide hotline and guess what, they placed me on hold for 10 mins! Can you beleive that???When she(Lucy) returned, I told her it's no wonder we're in such a predicament with teens killing themselves. No wonder why there are poor souls that frequently 'do it'. Anyway I'll pray for those of you out there who have felt that way. God Bless....
Sandra Jackson <ROBSANDY1@prodigy.net>
Sacramento, Ca USA - Sat Jun 27 21:30:25 1998
Reply to Sandy re: electrical jolt
This is amazing, just last night I had what I termed a "power outage",
woke me up from sleep about 3 a.m., felt and sounded like an electrical
jolt (couldn't find the words to describe it other than "power outage in
my head" until I read your note on Ronda's Migraine site. I was so happy
(please don't take that wrong) to find that I'm not losing it
completely. My husband just looked at me and smiled when I told him
about it. He's very understanding but this stuff is too too hard to
explain. I have been reading the Migraine Journal for a few months now
but have not written simply because my story is like so many others; it
is helpful to know that I (and my sister) are not alone. Though my
sister claims that since she had her gall bladder removed her headaches
have lessened, she also had a hysterectomy years ago which didn't seem
to lessen the headached. I am very leary of the new drugs coming on the
market. With the recall of duract (which my DR prescribed but it didn't
help much), and the side effects I've had with Zomig (throat tightening
was especially scary), I plan to tell my Dr and Neuro to stick with the
tried and true meds. I'm a believer, based on experience, that the
narcotic drugs are not necessarily addictive to those with migraines. I
plan on telling the Docs about the "jolt" and will let you know what he
says. With more than 30 years of migraines and thru this site, I feel I
know more about migraines than the DOCS!! Beth
Beth Fox <mikefox@jax-inter.net>
JAX, FL USA - Sat Jun 27 9:46:43 1998